
Tuesday, 7 August 2007

louise's new lampshade

louise's new lampshade, originally uploaded by RaggyRat.

sometimes you can't do the big jobs, and there are some things you cant do while sitting with the children, but fiddly winding and hand sewing are easy to tote round ... louise chose some of the colours for the fluted edge bit ...

i raided my MIL's collection of old lampshades and stole 2, one for the babies' room and this one for louise. i got the idea looking at a trendy wire one over at my friend sarah's house and finally got around to making it! just tear off the dusty fabric and pick off the glue and away you go. it looks great with the light on but not shot with daylight camera's though.

materials - old lamp shade, scoubie-doo thingies
method - tie on forst scoobie and get winding - tie on scoubies as you go, the knots look like beads - honest !
then tie off the last one .... TA DAAAH !

1 comment:

  1. How smart is that! Could this be the start of a new venture for you......!?!


hello - no more annymouse comments, but no more moderation. i had too much spam. and i am a vegetarian. i still love you xxx